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Eventide Gilead Fund and Eventide Healthcare & Life Sciences Fund Named WSJ Category Kings for 2017

BOSTON, MA – The Eventide Gilead Fund (NASDAQ: ETILX) and the Eventide Healthcare & Life Sciences Fund (NASDAQ: ETIHX) were both named as “Category Kings” by the Wall Street Journal for 2017. The award recognizes the top 10 funds in each equity category for one-year total return. The Eventide Gilead Fund ranked #7 in the Mid Cap Growth category out of 384 funds and the Eventide Healthcare & Life Sciences Fund ranked #3 in the Health & Biotech category out of 99 funds.

Both Funds are managed by Eventide Asset Management, LLC, a Boston-based registered investment adviser that designs investments for performance and a better world. Eventide CEO Robin John commented, “We are pleased with the results, yet more importantly, proud of the how they were achieved. We seek to invest in companies that create value for their customers, employees, suppliers, communities, the environment, and society broadly – as well as for our investors. In fact, we believe investment performance is the natural result of companies whose products and practices best serve the needs of others. Our investors can trust that this will continue to be our approach.”

Wall Street Journal rankings are not intended to constitute investment advice. Rather, you should use the rankings for informational purposes only. Rankings are only one form of performance measurement. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Rankings do not account for the effects of sales charges.

The Funds offer other share classes for which rankings may differ based on fees and commissions. Eventide Gilead Fund: NASDAQ: ETGLX, NASDAQ: ETAGX, and NASDAQ: ETCGX. Eventide Healthcare & Life Sciences Fund: NASDAQ: ETNHX, NASDAQ: ETAHX, and NASDAQ: ETCHX.

Wall Street Journal Category King is awarded to the top 10 investments in their Lipper Category based on one-year total return absolute rank. The award does not account for sales loads, where applicable.

Registration of an investment adviser does not imply a certain level of skill or training. The above expresses the views of Eventide Asset Management, LLC, and there is no guarantee that such views are accurate. Eventide’s approach may not produce the desired results.

Mutual Funds involve risk including the possible loss of principal. Past performance does not guarantee future results. The Funds’ ethical values screening criteria could cause it to underperform similar funds that do not have such screening criteria. The Funds can have risk related to option investing. There are special risks associated with investments in foreign companies including exposure to currency fluctuations, less efficient trading markets, political instability and differing auditing and legal standards. The Eventide Gilead Fund & Eventide Healthcare & Life Sciences Fund can invest in smaller-sized companies which may experience higher failure rates than larger companies and they normally have a lower trading volume than larger companies. The Funds can also have risk associated with the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry in which these companies may be heavily dependent on clinical trials with uncertain outcomes and decisions made by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The Funds can invest in private companies. Private investments include various risks including but not limited to lack of liquidity, capital commitment risk, and valuation risk. Private companies may not be financially profitable and have uncertain futures, subjecting them to additional risks. Investors in the Gilead Fund should be aware that companies in the technology industries have different risks including but not limited to products becoming obsolete, and entrance of competing products. Companies in the Industrial Sector also carry various risks including, but not limited to, risk related to debt loads and intense competition.

An investor should consider a fund’s investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses carefully before investing or sending money. This and other important information can be found in the prospectus, which can be obtained at www.eventidefunds.comor by calling 1-877-771-EVEN (3836). Please read the prospectus carefully before investing. Eventide Mutual Funds are distributed by Northern Lights Distributors, LLC, Member FINRA/SIPC, which is not affiliated with Eventide Asset Management, LLC.

Fund contact:
Jason Myhre
Director of Marketing
877-771-EVEN (3836), x56


News › Eventide Gilead Fund and Eventide Healthcare & Life Sciences Fund Named WSJ Category Kings for 2017

Mutual funds involve risk including the possible loss of principal. Past performance does not guarantee future results. The Funds’ ethical values screening criteria could cause them to under-perform similar funds that do not have such screening criteria.

This information is for use with concurrent or prior delivery of a fund prospectus, which can be obtained at https://www.eventidefunds.com/prospectus or by calling 1-877-771-EVEN (3836). Investors should consider a fund’s investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses carefully before investing or sending money. Eventide Mutual Funds are distributed by Northern Lights Distributors, LLC, Member FINRA/SIPC, which is not affiliated with Eventide Asset Management, LLC.